Welcome to Renewable Energy Action Group (REAG)
REAG purposes include:
To increase the amount of renewable energy generated in the Macedon Ranges;
To reduce the overall stationary energy consumption, especially from non-renewable sources, in the Macedon Ranges.
Our goal is to cover shire-wide stationary energy consumption (e.g. electricity and gas) with renewable energy within ten years (e.g. Net Zero by 2033)
Action Group Leader:
Stephen Pepper stephen.pepper@mrsg.org.au
Steering Group:
Ralf Thesing
Peter Hansford
David Nelson
Tony Cooper
Malcolm McDonald
Richard Collinge
Kathryn Allen
Upcoming events

REAG meets at the Woodend Neighbourhood House on the second Tuesday of every month, 7.30-9pm
This one year project involved community organisations, local councils and industry conducting pilots, gauging community interest and demonstrating a range of neighbourhood battery ownership and operational models in order to harness the potential of neighbourhood-scale energy storage in Victoria’s transition to clean energy.
We have established a revolving fund to help finance local energy efficiency, clean generation and offset projects through zero interest, fixed term loans and grants. We prefer to part-fund small to medium size projects (up to 50kW), where our investment is exceeded by internal funding or helps catalyse external donations, grants, loans, etc.
In late 2024, the Australian government passed legislation to allow electric vehicles (EVs) to power homes and send power back to the grid, adding to the growing list of reasons to buy an EV
We are excited to announce we were awarded a Community Climate Action grant for $5000 from Macedon Ranges Shire Council for project planning and community engagement
Electrify 3442 is running a Community Survey and we’re on the lookout for households at various stages of electrification ) and happy to share their stories on our website. Read our news >>
We’ve been hearing a lot lately about getting off gas. It’s expensive, it’s an indoor pollutant and as electricity from the grid gets cleaner (in terms of its carbon emissions, thanks to reduced production from coal and increased production from renewables like solar) gas isn’t the dream fuel it used to be.
Here are some resources to help you find out more about why and how to get off gas, and news of some events coming up later this month to help you work out a detailed plan of action.
Woodend, in our very own Macedon Ranges was recently dubbed the most liveable regional town in Victoria and we couldn’t be prouder! Among the criteria for the gong, according to an article published in the Sunday Herald Sun, were great transport links, services and job opportunities along with good schools, parks and gardens and fine food.
This March MRSG Sustainable Homes Action Group is presenting the “Project Showcase”, an exhibition of projects Macedon Ranges householders have undertaken to make their homes more thermally comfortable, cheaper to run and more energy-efficient, and of work-from-home spaces that are reducing the need to commute.
(Image: Sam Clarke via Unsplash)
MRSG’s Sustainable Homes Action Group is proud to announce the return of Sustainable House Day to the Macedon Ranges in March 2023.
We’re seeking expressions of interest from people excited about low-energy homes and keen to participate in an open house or a project showcase. We’re also looking for someone who can help us with publicity and social media. image: Renew’s Sustainable House Day page
A study, recently undertaken by the Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) has identified that the North Woodend, Newham and Lancefield areas are the most impacted by unplanned power outages in the Macedon Ranges region. Read on to find out what we’re doing about it.
The Renewable Energy Action Group (REAG) has acquired a Thermal Imaging Camera, which can be borrowed for free by MRSG members
Newham CFA brigade are grateful beneficiaries of a 5kW solar power system installation thanks to a grant from MRSG’s Renewable Energy Fund.
Australia Energy Foundation (AEF) have just completed the public engagement phase of MRSG’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative (MR-BIG).
MRSG’s Renewable Energy team is involved in a project exploring the feasibility of neighbourhood batteries in the Macedon Ranges. Watch the video below to learn more about neighbourhood batteries and how they could be effective in our transition to green renewable energy.
Calling all members keen to chat with others about building and renovating experiences in the Macedon Ranges. and interested in creating a forum for exchange!
(Image: Redd via Unsplash)
The 6th edition of home sustainability guide “Your Home” has recently been released. In addition to the softcover book and website familiar to its current fan-base, a limited edition hardback version of the book has been published.
In August this year, the Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) was successful in securing a significant grant in the Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative.
The installation of a network of 20 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations across 17 sites from Melbourne to Mildura, including Woodend and Kyneton, is in its final phase.
Malmsbury Primary School, with support from Sustainable Malmsbury volunteers and a grant from Macedon Ranges Shire Council, has reduced their annual electricity use from the grid by one third. Learn how you can do the same at your home or small business.
Hot on the heels of the Neighbourhood House’s solar installation, we’re set to resume work on draughtproofing and secondary glazing works planned earlier this year.
A massive 31 panel solar power system has been installed this week on the Woodend Neighbourhood House thanks to funding from the MASH community solar bulk-buy and Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG).
Expressions of interest are sought from people with an appropriate background and range of skills to assist REAG with the project.
WELL! After months in lockdown, the folks at Renew and a bunch of generous householders around Australia have delivered an “ace card”, producing a Sustainable House Day event that looks set to eclipse all the others. Photo: Elemental House, High Camp, Vic, supplied by Renew
Thanks to grants from Bank Australia and Central Victoria Greenhouse Alliance/MASH and local leg-work from MRSG’s Sustainable Malmsbury action group the Malmsbury Fire Brigade will no longer have to worry about power outages during the bushfire season.
Want to contribute something positive really makes a difference? Want to be involved in a friendly community of people who also share the desire to make the Macedon Ranges a more sustainable place to live? Do you have some spare time and have organisational and planning skills and experience that you want to put to good use? If so, there are presently three openings, one of which may be a perfect fit for you.
Thanks to everyone who stopped to chat with the volunteers from Sustainable Homes Action Group and Go Renewable Energy Group at the Woodend Community Farmers’ Market on Saturday 7th October.
We were exploring the level of interest in electrifying home heating and hot water and the obstacles to electrification.
Not sure what “net zero emissions” means? Want to know how you can impact climate change?
Project Drawdown has produced an excellent series of 6 videos, ranging from 10-25 minutes, explaining where we can have the most impact on climate.
This is a thought-provoking series, highly recommended for anyone starting out on the road to sustainability.
Thermal imaging cameras detect areas of heat loss and unwanted heat gain, and allow you to make changes, many of them low or no cost, that will make your home more comfortable and save energy and money.
A few weeks ago, the IPCC released a report titled, “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability“. Even though the report focuses on impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptive practices on a global scale, I have tried to derive some adaptation principles that could be applied to the Macedon Ranges.
Home energy saving tips such as stopping draughts, LED lighting, heating, windows, energy monitoring, insulation, motion sensor lights, standby power and solar PV.
The Malmsbury Neighbourhood Battery Information Session was a great success and project planning is now full steam ahead