MRSG to tackle power grid reliability and increase uptake of renewable energy
The Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) was successful in securing a $54k grant in the Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative earlier this month. MRSG will be partnering with the Macedon Ranges Shire Council, Powercor, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), the Australian Energy Foundation as well as two other organisations who were also successful in securing NBI grants, Hepburn Wind/Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance and APD Clarkefield Project, to engage with local communities in the Macedon Ranges, identify problem areas in the grid, and explore ways that neighbourhood-scale batteries can be used to increase the uptake of renewable energy leading to cheaper electricity costs and less dependence on coal and gas.
“We are very pleased for MRSG to be recognised as a leader in the pursuit of clean energy solutions by the Victorian Government and DELWP. We hope this project will demonstrate practical ways to increase the availability and uptake of clean, reliable renewable energy in the grid and benefit all residents of the Macedon Ranges.”
If you wish to know more about this project, please go to or contact the team on