The Code of Conduct is primarily intended to outline what is the expected conduct from Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) members, including members of the Committee.
The Code applies to how we deal with other MRSG members; paid contractors engaged by MRSG; and members of the wider community with whom we may engage while undertaking MRSG activities.
The Code requires that we:
Treat each other respectfully, fairly and with dignity
Do not bully[1] or harass, or tolerate others’ bullying and harassment
Do not harass or discriminate including on the grounds of sex, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, religion, race or political affiliation[2]
Do not engage in conduct prejudicial to MRSG
Act in ways consistent with the purpose of the MRSG
Disciplinary action may be taken against members who engage in conduct prejudicial to the Association in accordance with Division 2 of the Constitution of the MRSG.
Any member, or paid contractor, who believes that they have not been treated consistent with this Code of Conduct may initiate grievance procedures in accordance with Division 3 of the Constitution of the MRSG.
[1] Bullying includes verbal abuse and demeaning language, offensive behavior, public humiliation, excluding or isolating people, unfair criticism and undermining a person’s achievements
[2] Consistent with the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010
Wellbeing Coordinator Contact
Emma Cooper
If you are feeling aggrieved by a member of MRSG or have an inquiry regarding the code of conduct please contact
Emma Cooper