Local Education Action Programs (LEAP)


“In the end we will conserve what we love and we will love only what we understand”

Bobo Dioum (African Ecologist)

LEAP aims to educate our local community about key environmental issues, such as climate change and plastic pollution and the need for there to be change. Importantly, LEAP will strive to provide the inspiration and support for community - based actions that both allows for effective adaptation and mitigation.

Debbie Rovere Action Group Leader

Alice Aird

Adele Hamlyn

Pete Lindner

Contact: leap@mrsg.org.au

The LEAP approach

The approach incorporated in LEAP is based on social science research which shows that people are more likely to change their behaviours and take action when

  • they understand the issue and through this knowledge develop a greater conviction about the need for change

  • the potential impacts are shown on a local and individual scale 

  • they are regularly engaged in respectful everyday conversations about the issue

  • support for change is provided by community groups

To facilitate this the programs developed will 

  • provide accurate and accessible information and resources about the nature, causes and consequences of key environmental issue across a variety of forums, including schools, other educational bodies such as learning centres and community groups. 

LEAP will focus on delivering content at a local level to make it both more accessible and tailored to suit to specific audiences.

  • provide members of the community with the resources and skill sets that enable for effective discussions about key environmental issues amongst the wider community.  LEAP acknowledges the significance of the wide-ranging emotions experienced by people dealing with issues such as like climate change, and recognises that emotional support as well as knowledge is essential.

  • create stronger connections in our community.  LEAP will provide the opportunity for members of our community to meet and discuss in a variety of forums. The community-based actions that are encouraged by LEAP will also enhance new connections between groups and individuals. Further connections will form through a key feature of LEAP - to provide mentors from local environmental groups to help and assist with the projects of community groups.

  • encourage and support community groups to take actions that either allows for adaptation to or mitigation of the issue. When dealing with significant world - wide issues, such as climate change, an individual or a group may develop a sense of hopelessness. LEAP recognises that it is important to showcase to people that positive community actions are possible and aims to provide them with the opportunity and support to participate in practical solutions that benefit our future. 

As our future custodians, one of the key focus groups of LEAP are our local schools. By involving schools, we are not only educating our youth about key environmental issues but also providing them with them with the life skills and support to see that positive actions are possible. It is hoped that LEAP will develop their confidence, ability and conviction to participate in other forums.

LEAP in 2022/2023

Our focus for 2022 and 2023 will be on developing and implementing programs dealing with climate change. This will include

  • providing accurate and accessible information and resources about the nature, causes and consequences of climate change through interactive local events across a variety of forums, including schools, other educational bodies such as learning centres and community groups. 

  • providing methods and practical forums for community members of all ages to engage confidently in respectful conversations about climate change in their wider community.

  • encouraging and supporting community groups to take actions that allow for adaptation to and/or mitigation of climate change. 

  • allocating mentors from local environmental groups to help and assist with the projects of community groups.