Woodend Neighbourhood House Winter Energy Reduction Project Resumes

Hot on the heels of the Neighbourhood House’s solar installation, we’re set to resume work on draughtproofing and secondary glazing works planned earlier this year.

Draughtproofing is easy, cheap, and a great way to reduce energy use for heating and cooling. We’d love to show you how, and work together to improve our community facility.

We’re moving to a “one on one” format to meet density requirements within the House’s small rooms. Let us know what time suits you and if one of our skilled volunteers is available, we’ll book you in for a personalised session. Within an hour and a half you will have picked up the technique and completed an installation, perhaps even had a chat about home sustainability!

You can get in touch by email to susthomes@mrsg.org.au, or call Sue Barker on 5427 0805.

This work is funded by a grant from the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.

Image: Wolfgang Hasselmann via Unsplash