Cool Changes in Schools Project

Action Group: Local Education Action Programs

Contact: Debbie Rovere and Pete Lindner



An initiative of Cool Changes 3442, funded by a grant from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and adopted by the Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group with the support of Resource Smart Schools, Cool Changes in Schools is a program for schools in the Macedon Ranges Shire that

  •  educates members of schools about the nature and implications of climate change and the need for immediate action. 

  •  supports these groups to take community - based actions that both creates climate change discussion within their organisation and the broader community and results in the implementation of a project that mitigates or facilitates adaptation to climate change.

Following the success of our pilot program in 2022 this program will be offered to other schools for 2023.


The need for climate action

In recent decades we have seen dramatic change to our climate in the form of rising temperatures over a relatively short period. This in turn has resulted in other climate related events such as longer and more intense heatwaves, extended periods of drought and bushfires. Whilst there are many statistics to support these events, this alarming trend can simply be summarised by the fact that in 2020, anyone under the age of 23 who has lived in Victoria has never experienced a year of below-average temperatures.  Under current emission scenarios these worrying trends are only set to worsen.                           

These changes to our climate pose grave threats to our natural and built environments.  Whilst actions to reduce rising temperatures and its associated impacts are gathering pace, there are doubts that this is happening quick enough. The slower we are to take actions to mitigate climate change at global, national and local levels the more severe the impacts on our natural and built environments will be.           

The need to educate our community about climate change and support community action

Whilst the public’s awareness and understanding of climate change is improving, there is still a significant percentage of people in Australia who do not have sufficient knowledge about climate change and its associated impacts. Those who do not have this understanding are unlikely to be able to make informed decisions about climate change and crucially to take action. 

For those who have some knowledge of climate change evidence also suggests that there is doubt about the extent to which they are willing to adjust their behaviours in order to slow down climate change.  People are more likely to adjust their behaviours and adopt climate change strategies when they are not only educated about the potential impacts but that these impacts are related to local and individual settings and experiences.   

By encouraging and supporting community- based actions we not only showcase that positive actions are possible but provide an accessible opportunity for schools and local groups to develop strong community ties.                                                                                                                            


Our youth are the earth’s future custodians. By involving schools, we are not only educating our youth about issues such as climate change but also providing them with the tools and support to see that positive actions are possible. Participation in this program will develop their life skills, confidence and conviction to participate in other environmental and public matters.

Steps involved

  1. Based on their applications, schools will be selected to participate in Cool Changes in Schools. Schools will then be visited and a simple audit undertaken to see if and how climate change is being covered in their curriculum and to ascertain their characteristics and needs. This information will be used to tailor the program to better suit the school’s needs.

  2. Based on the needs and characteristics of the participating schools, PD sessions will be offered. The aim of these sessions is to provide staff with the knowledge and resources that will make them feel informed and comfortable to introduce climate change into their curriculum and importantly to be able to implement their community actions. The content of these sessions could include

    The nature and causes of climate change.

    The impacts of climate change.

    How to effectively discuss climate change in the school and the wider community.

    How to become involved and implement actions in the Macedon Ranges Shire that either mitigates climate change or allows for adaptation

  3. The school, in conjunction with members of local organisations and environmental groups, develops a community based action plan that both informs their school community and the wider public about the issue of climate change and has actions within the Shire that mitigates or allows adaptation to climate change.

  4. Volunteer mentors from local organisations and environmental groups who have expertise in the school’s action plan area are allocated and meet with the school. The role of these mentors is to assist the school with the planning and implementation of their action plan.

  5. Planning and implementation of community-based action plan. Planning and commencement of the school’s action plan must be undertaken during 2023. Given the variety in the size and scope of action plans that could be implemented no end date will be mandated.

  6.   Evaluate the success of the program. Towards the end of 2023 there will be a meeting with participating schools to evaluate the effectiveness of Cool Changes in Schools and the school’s progress in achieving their community based action.

    How to apply

    To apply to be part of Cool Changes in Schools in 2023 your school will need to complete an application form by Friday, November 25th 2022. These have been emailed out to all schools in the Macedon Ranges Shire. To request an additional application form contact You will be notified about the success of your application by Friday December 2nd, 2022