Electrify Everything Kyneton
This Changemakers workshop will inform you on who to electrify your home for greater efficiency and lower energy bills.
This Changemakers workshop will inform you on who to electrify your home for greater efficiency and lower energy bills.
Discover the diverse types of native bees, conservation initiatives and the practical tips for identifying and supporting these vital pollinators. Our speaker, Stephanie Dix, is a Melbourne-based artist specialising in realistic insect paintings. Inspired by nature and her studies in biological science and horticulture, she blends art with environmental passion to educate people of all ages about Australia’s native bees. You can learn more about our speaker by visiting her website. You can purchase tickets to our event at the Woodend Bee Friendly Society page on our website.
Sustainable House Day will be held on Sunday April 21.
MRSG is not presenting a Community Event this year but there will be open homes in the region, including one MRSG member household.
Tours of open homes are being offered via ticketed sessions and a small fee is payable.
Join GREG and friends for an exciting morning of Speed Dating with a Sustainability Focus at Gisborne Library.
(Image: Christina @ wocintechchat.com via unsplash.com)
Monthly meetings 3rd Sunday of most months.
Monthly meetings 3rd Sunday of most months.
Monthly meetings 3rd Sunday of most months.
This month, Waggle and Forage in Kyneton have kindly offered to host the Woodend Bee Friendly Society's monthly meeting!
The Woodend Bee-Friendly Society will be hosting the first meeting of the year at 3 Waterworks Road, Woodend on Sunday 16 January from 3:00 - 4:30pm.
A mini version of our popular Sustainable Living Festival will this year be a celebration of sustainability by showcasing our 14 dedicated action groups at the November Woodend Community Farmers' Market.
Learn the basics of beekeeping from the Woodend Bee Friendly Society leadership team where we’ll cover the basics in getting started with bees in the first of our 3 part series.
Numbers are limited and as this is a Covid Safe event, bookings are essential.
Numbers are limited and as this is a Covid Safe event, bookings are essential.
Bookings via the link. Numbers are limited and as this is a Covid Safe event, bookings are essential.
Bookings via the link. This is a Covid Safe event so bookings are essential.
Bookings via the link. Your Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Bookings via the link. Your Zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Meetings detail to be confirmed. Bookings open Early November and close 5pm Friday 13th.
Coming to you live via Zoom Matt Croatto and Ross Brierty will discuss the 101 of hive inspections. Their demonstration will include video of recent hive inspections.
Managing swarms is a requirement under the Apiary Code of Practice. Learn how to minimise swarming from The Woodend Bee Friendly Society monthly meetings will be held on the 3rd Sunday each month (except December) via Zoom from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.
Note that you must be a current MRSG member to register.
Register here: https://mrsg.org.au/shop/wbfs-spring-swarm-management-meeting
Join Mercedes Ramirez LIVE and ONLINE as she talks about the role of pollinators in environmental health!
Upper Campaspe Landcare Network is proud and excited to bring you part one of our three part WEBINAR series - Biodiversity for your Bush Block .
Trade Day!
Boxes, tools, suits, beeswax products and WBFS merchandise.
Learn what you need (and what you don’t) and what is that even for?.
Judging of the Jim Samson Photography Award will be a great introduction to our guest speaker, well-known local author, tv presenter and gardener, Michael McCoy.
Don’t miss this!
Woodend Bee Friendly Society monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday each month (except December) at the Woodend Neighbourhood House from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.
All are welcome. Cost $5 per person.
Click for details of the next meeting
The Sustainable Homes Action Group, with support from the Renewable Energy Action Group, is planning a morning of retrofitting at the Woodend Neighbourhood House. We’ll be working on draughtproofing windows and doors and applying secondary glazing (a layer of Perspex inside the window glass as a DIY alternative to double glazing). Let us know if you’d like to join in, by email to susthomes@mrsg.org.au, by about 19th June, so we can organise teams mindful of social distancing requirements.
The WNH Winter Energy Improvement Project is supported by the Federal Government “Stronger Communities” Programme.
Woodend Bee Friendly Society monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday each month (except December) at the Woodend Neighbourhood House from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.
All are welcome. Cost $5 per person.
Click for details of the next meeting
Woodend Bee Friendly Society monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday each month (except December) at the Woodend Neighbourhood House from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.
All are welcome. Cost $5 per person.
Click for details of the next meeting
Be part of a community- led planning process to guide local action on climate change in the wider Woodend district. The project involves a few facilitated workshops over the next few months, to develop a plan for the Woodend community to act on climate change at the local level.
Woodend Bee Friendly Society monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday each month (except December) at the Woodend Neighbourhood House from 3.00pm to 4.30pm.
All are welcome. Cost $5 per person.
Click for details of the next meeting
Find out how you can inform and guide local action on climate change, for the Woodend district, at this event run by Macedon Ranges Shire Council and facilitated by Amy and Gavin from Hip V. Hype Sustainability