Filtering by: GREG

Introduction to Rooftop Solar and Home Batteries
6:30 pm18:30

Introduction to Rooftop Solar and Home Batteries

In this one hour session, get the facts from locals who can share real life experiences – no sales talk – just the facts.

There will be a short presentation followed by brief talks from people from our community who will describe their journey, share their triumphs, and explain what they wouldn’t do again. Then you can ask questions without being sold the answers!

Hosted by the local expert community group Electrify3442, community partner of Rewire Australian, this group of locals wants to see Woodend and surrounds to be the first fully electric community in Australia. Electrify3442 wants to help you and your neighbours experience the benefits of electrification.

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Home Batteries 101- an Introduction to Home Batteries
7:00 pm19:00

Home Batteries 101- an Introduction to Home Batteries

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you already have rooftop solar and want to explore your options with home batteries to give you energy independence and save even more money from your energy bills, come and discuss and have your questions answered at the Community Centre in Woodend (next to the Library). This free event will be conducted by community members with years of experience in using home batteries to maximum effect.

This event has been organised by volunteers from the Electrify 3442 Project whose aim it is to assist our community in the transition to renewables.

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Community Energy Presentation: Newstead
6:30 pm18:30

Community Energy Presentation: Newstead

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Presentation on Community Energy for us by Newstead Community leaders

Come and hear how Newstead was able to successfully bring about a community energy project to add stability to the Grid and lower electricity bills for participating households. A detailed presentation will be followed by a Q & A session , followed by discussion around how, where and when we could run such a project in communities around Macedon Ranges and take advantage of government and other grants to give energy independence and lower household energy bills.

Please click on the image and register for your free ticket

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Solar 101 - Introduction to Rooftop Solar
11:00 am11:00

Solar 101 - Introduction to Rooftop Solar

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you plan to install rooftop solar and want to find out how to start on this journey to energy independence and lower energy bills, come and discuss and have your questions answered at the Community Centre in Woodend (next to the Library) by community members with years of experience in a variety of situations. This free event will be taking place during the Woodend Farmers’ Market - Two for no price at all!

This event has been organised by volunteers from the Electrify 3442 Project whose aim it is to assist our community in the transition to renewables.

A flyer handed out at the August Woodend Farmer’s Market had the incorrect date written for this event. Electrify 3442 apologises for this mistake and any inconvenience caused to you.

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My Efficient Electric Home - Author Talk
6:00 pm18:00

My Efficient Electric Home - Author Talk

Tim Forcey, founder and moderator of the My Efficient Electric Home Facebook group, will share insights gained from working with thousands of Australian households and provide tips and strategies to help convert your home into a comfortable, healthy, efficient space.

Join us in Woodend Library to meet and hear from Tim.

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My Efficient Electric Home - Author Talk
2:30 pm14:30

My Efficient Electric Home - Author Talk

Tim Forcey, founder and moderator of the My Efficient Electric Home Facebook group, will share insights gained from working with thousands of Australian households and provide tips and strategies to help convert your home into a comfortable, healthy, efficient space.

Join us in Romsey Library to meet and hear from Tim.

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Making the Most of Your Solar
11:00 am11:00

Making the Most of Your Solar

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If you already have rooftop solar and want to find out how to optimise your system and prepare for the loss of the Premium Feed in Tariff, come and discuss and have your questions answered at the Community Centre in Woodend (next to the Library). This free event will be taking place during the Woodend Farmers’ Market - Two for no price at all!

This event has been organised by volunteers from the Electrify 3442 Project whose aim it is to assist our community in the transition to renewables.

A flyer handed out during the August Woodend Farmers Market had the incorrect date for this event. If you were given this flyer, Electrify 3442 apologises for this mistake and any inconvenience caused to you.

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Power up to all-electric information session 1 By SEC
6:00 pm18:00

Power up to all-electric information session 1 By SEC

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Power up to all-electric information session 1

Hear from experts and others who have made the switch to an all-electric home. Learn how to get it right from day one.


ON LINE 6pm - 7pm Wednesday 24 July Register below

Event lasts 1 hour

Power up Victoria! Go electric to reduce your power bills and be part of the energy transition

The transition to renewable energy is on and more Victorians are switching their homes to electric.

Electric homes are cheaper to run, healthier to live in, and better for the planet.

The SEC is hosting a series of free online information sessions to guide you through the process of switching your home from gas to electric. It’s not as hard as you might think.

We’ll show you how to go electric at a pace that’s right for you.

In this first session, you’ll hear from experts on a range of topics to get you started.

  • The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for the State Electricity Commission, will share her insights on going electric.

  • Chris Miller, Interim CEO, SEC, will discuss the SEC’s goal to support Victorian homes to go electric, reduce bills and cut emissions.

  • Dan Cass, co-founder and executive director at Rewiring Australia, will discuss the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of going electric and where to start.

  • Sophie Wright, CEO and founder of Electrify Victoria, will share practical tips to save energy and money at home.

We will also take a virtual tour of an all-electric house.

You can also join our experts for a moderated question and answer session.

Find out more about how to save money on your energy bills:

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Sustainable House Day 2024
10:00 am10:00

Sustainable House Day 2024

  • Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sustainable House Day will be held on Sunday April 21.

MRSG is not presenting a Community Event this year but there will be open homes in the region, including one MRSG member household.

Tours of open homes are being offered via ticketed sessions and a small fee is payable.

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Speed Dating with GREG
10:00 am10:00

Speed Dating with GREG

Join GREG and friends for an exciting morning of Speed Dating with a Sustainability Focus at Gisborne Library.

(Image: Christina @ via

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The Secrets to Getting Your Home EV-Ready
7:30 pm19:30

The Secrets to Getting Your Home EV-Ready

  • Online - register with Bluegum Electrical Solutions via the link provided (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thinking About Buying an Electric Vehicle?

Is your house READY?

Bluegum Electrical Solutions is running an online information session to help you discover:

  • 5 Avoidable EV Mistakes that could cost you $$$ (and how to avoid them)

  • 3 things you need to get the RIGHT EV Setup (two of these things most companies won't tell you)

  • Discover how to power your car for FREE from the Sun with your solar now or in the future.

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Saul Griffith @ The Greater Bendigo Climate Summit
6:00 pm18:00

Saul Griffith @ The Greater Bendigo Climate Summit

Internationally recognised inventor, author, founder, scientist and ‘man of the moment’ Saul Griffith will make the case for an Electrification Revolution in Greater Bendigo that will reduce our power bills, switch our buildings to renewable energy, create healthier homes and make the biggest wealth transfer in history. Also, hear a response from a panel of Bendigo leaders.

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