Successful Completion of MRSG Project to reduce energy for winter heating at Woodend Neighbourhood House

MRSG’s Sustainable Homes action group has just completed a project to reduce the energy for winter heating at Woodend Neighbourhood House funded by the Stronger Communities Programme from the Federal government.
The chief part of this project was to upgrade the controls for the gas-powered hydronic heating system in the building. Before this project, start up and shut down of the hydronic system had to be performed by a contractor on behalf of the Macedon Ranges Shire Council which meant that the heating system had to be left on permanently 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week from Autumn to Spring. The installation of the new controllers means that House staff can operate the heater when required, thereby greatly reducing gas bills and carbon emissions.
In addition, LED light fittings were installed to replace the old recessed downlights and seals were applied to doors, windows and exhaust fans to reduce draughts.
Another focus of this project has to do with education. Displays will be made to increase awareness of energy use to House staff and visitors.
This project is an excellent example of effective co-operation between community organisations (MRSG and Woodend Neighbourhood House) and governments of different levels. (The Macedon Ranges Shire Council were very supportive and contributed funding towards the new controllers and the lighting). The project was completed on budget and on time.
Recognition should be given to Sue Barker, leader of the Sustainable Homes action group, and the volunteers who helped at various points throughout the project from assessing potential improvements to carrying out the works. The dedication and persistence of the group in overseeing this project and completing it during very trying circumstances last year with the Covid lockdowns is commendable.