Jump Into July!

A Waste Double-Whammy is coming this July:

  1. A state-wide ban on E-Waste into landfill comes into effect across Victoria from 1st July.

    For more information about the ban, why it is necessary and how it will be rolled out, read this comprehensive article in the Waste Management Review.

    In a nutshell, residents need to develop new habits around all types of E-Waste: Batteries, cables, mobiles, tablets & computers, printers, TVs, DVD Players and any other electronic equipment can be taken to your local Transfer Station for free. Of course, you can also bring your batteries to the Woodend Farmers’ Market to be recycled locally!

  2. Plastic-Free July is here!


    If you are daunted by the idea of giving up plastic altogether, try choosing just one thing and sticking to it as much as possible, just for a month. There are some great tips on the website, and also here on the 1 Million Women site. Good luck and let us know how you go!