Wash Against Waste Dishwashers Needed
@ Malmsbury Village Fayre
Sunday 17th November
Would you like to help Malmsbury work toward zero net emissions and save up to 6000L of rubbish going to landfill? That is 25 large wheeley bins!
In a game-changing move, the Malmsbury Village Fayre have hired a Wash Against Waste Trailer to avoid use of single use plates, bowls, cups, glasses and cutlery. They need you to wash and sanitise dishes using the state of the art trailer. The main time slots available are 11-1, 1-3 and 3 to 4:30.
If you can spare an hour or two of your time to help out with this wonderful initiative, please sign up at the Malmsbury Bakery or email sustainable-malmsbury@mrsg.org.au with your preferred time or any questions.
Free Pie! The first 20 people to sign up will receive a Malmsbury Bakery pie voucher on Fayre day.
An Initiative of Malmsbury Village Fayre and Sustainable Malmsbury, supported by Malmsbury Bakery
Wash Against Waste Trailer in action