MRSG raises over $1,600 for drought affected farmers

Farmers' Markets promote sustainability by supporting local farmers who provide food for their communities. Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group, which runs the Woodend Community Farmers' Market, wishes to express its solidarity with the wider agricultural community by striving to raise more than $1,600 for the Buy-a-Bale appeal to aid Australian farming families affected by the devastating drought that covers most of New South Wales and Queensland. This terrific result could not have been achieved without the support of local businesses and Farmers' Market stall-holders who either donated or offered their produce at a substantial discount for the raffle, sausage-sizzle, and vegetable soup stall. Particular thanks to the following businesses: Redbeard Bakery, McIvor Pork, Black Forest Meat, Woodend Fruit Market, Mitre 10 Woodend, Bourkie's Bakery, Beth Shan, and the numerous vegetable stall-holders at the market for their generosity.