MRSG's successful grant applications

As a not-for-profit organisation, Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group depends on attracting grant funding to support its numerous sustainability projects in the Shire. On 15th August, MRSG received $6,000 for an Events and Festivals Grant from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to go towards the costs in running next year's Sustainable Living Festival in Woodend on 2nd March 2019. This event attracts 3,000 to 4,000 people each year from around the Shire and beyond.

Last week, the Woodend Bee-Friendly Society, an action group of MRSG, received a $1,500 Small Community Grant from the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to purchase a microscope and equipment for identifying nosema and other honey bee pests and diseases and thereby enhancing bio-security in the region.

Photo shows Peter Lane (president), Robert Bruhn (action group leader), Jennifer Anderson (mayor), and local councillors - Bill West, Janet Pearce, and Helen Radnedge.
