Solar and Energy Efficiency in the Home

The following advice about Solar and Energy Efficiency is provided by the Australian Energy Foundation. The energy advisors at the Australian Energy Foundation can help you work out exactly what you need to do to make your home energy-efficient. From solar to pool pump controllers, they can provide advice on all areas of your home, helping you make an informed decision. Visit or call 1300 23 68 55 to book a free 20-min phone consultation with an Energy Advisor


Solar is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and start saving on your energy bills. If you’re considering solar for you home, rental, apartment, or business, follow these simple steps:  


SunSPoT is a great online tool to help you calculate how much electricity and money a solar PV system could save your home.


For comprehensive solar and energy information, the AEF website will guide you through all you need to know. You can request quotes for rooftop solar (and other energy-related technologies), ask for help understanding your energy bills or solar quotes, find out how to maintain your solar panels, and more.


With the cost of energy increasing it makes sense to be energy efficient. There are many simple ways you can be more energy efficient at home, reduce your power bills and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Draughts and air leakage can lead to between 15-25% of heat loss. Keep heat from escaping your home by:

·       Draught proofing gaps around external doors and windows with adhesive tapes or seals.

·       Furnishing windows with heavy curtains and pelmets, window films or, in a pinch, bubble wrap.


Many households find that heating is their biggest energy expense. Cut those costs while keeping warm with these three simple energy-saving tips:

1.     Heat with your home’s Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner. Isolate and close off heating to the areas you spend the most time in rather than heating the entire home

2.     Set your Air Conditioner or heater to 18-20℃. If you don’t have a thermostat, use a thermometer to check the room’s temperature

3.     Prioritise personal heating with items like electric blankets or heated throw rugs rather than heating the entire room. Personal heating options only cost ~3c per hour to run


Here are three of the easiest tips to reduce your hot water usage:

1.     Take showers instead of baths

2.     Take 4-6 minute showers by using a timer

3.     Wash laundry in cold water


Our computers, TVs, game consoles, and sound systems are going to see heavy use as we enjoy well-deserved home entertainment. Here are ways to reduce your appliance’s electricity consumption:

  • Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer

  • Switch TV’s and computers to an energy saving setting

  • Turn off appliances and electronics at power point when not in use (except fridge)

  • Set your refrigerator to 3°- 4°, and your freezer to -15° to -18°. Check your fridge/freezer door seals are intact and replace if not.