What to do with waste A to Z

When it comes to recycling it’s not for want of trying but sometimes it all seems too complicated. That’s when we disassociate ourselves from the problem and throw whatever it is into Landfill. Help is at hand!

 The MRSC has compiled an A-Z of What Waste Goes Where...and we thought that the MRSG might appreciate a reminder of this handy list just in time for Christmas - the source of many recycling challenges!. The A-Z is at https://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/Live-Work/Bins-Rubbish-Recycling/Waste-Index-A-Z and includes some links to the various recycling options that give us a better understanding of how our rubbish is actually being recycled. For instance RedCycle or Bread Tags for Wheelchairs.

 The only option that is not listed is TerraCycle, which has a similar business model as RedCycle but instead collects all those pesky items like toothbrushes, contact lenses, pens and textas, disposable razors etc. The MRSG coordinates drop-off points at the Woodend Library and the Malmsbury market - check out the link here for what we collect https://mrsg.org.au/blog/2020/6/3/what-is-terracycle . Lancefield Neighbourhood House is also collecting for some TerraCycle programs - check with them for details.  Visit the TerraCycle website at www.terracycle.com/en-AU to find out more including the location of community drop-off points.  TerraCycle lists community hubs nationwide. Individuals can also set up their own TerraCycle collection.

Please help to ensure that if it can be recycled it is recycled! 

Colette and the MRSG Waste Action Group