Call for Council to declare Climate Emergency

Dear Macedon Ranges Shire Councillors,

I call on you to declare a Climate Emergency as a first step towards meaningful nationwide action on Climate Change.

This is what the public wants as evidenced by many polls, the turnout to the recent school strikes and a record 350,000 signatures on a federal petition.

I encourage you take this important step, declaring a Climate Emergency at the next council meeting and join many other Councils in Australia (as well as the SA and ACT State Governments).

Declaring a Climate Emergency is the first step towards meaningful nationwide action. You don't need to have a strategy in place for this, yet. That can come as part of the next budget cycle.

We have so much to loose from Climate Change in our beautiful Shire, please join the other councils in Australia to raise the urgency for meaningful action.

So many important decisions are made at State and Federal level, having more and more Councils join the declaration will increase the pressure for those parliaments to act as well.

Warm Regards,
Ralf Thesing

If you would like to join this call, feel free to copy (and amend) the above text and send it to all Councillors:,,,,,,,,