The Woodend Bee-Friendly Society goes live!

Spring is a busy time for beekeepers and it is an important time of year in terms of managing our bee hives to ensure that our bees don’t swarm.

Swarming is a natural action of bee colonies that they use as a means of reproduction. This usually happens in Spring and can be a problem as wild bee colonies take up space that native animals would normally live.

As we have been unable to conduct our usual face to face meetings where we endeavour to assist beekeepers with tools and knowledge to effectively manage their hives as the seasons change, the WBFS leadership team have come together to conduct our meetings via Zoom video.

This month, we are excited that our club mentor and senior beekeeper Jim Sansom will be presenting his very informative method to split beehives to mimic an artificial swarm which is an effective method of ensuring that bee colonies are kept contained and don’t populate into native bushland or urban areas.

Until we can meet again face to face the WBFS will conduct these meetings via Zoom in accordance with the regular scheduled time and date of the third Sunday of every month at 3pm.

We look forward to welcoming our members into this new world and look forward to the time that we can meet again face to face.