Victoria’s container deposit scheme - consultation now open

The Victorian Government has just released a Victorian Container Deposit Scheme discussion paper. The paper sets out the Victorian Government’s proposed model for Victoria’s new container deposit scheme. The objectives of the proposed model are that is convenient to use, maximises recycling of beverage containers, is cost-effective, significantly reduces litter and provides opportunities for the participation of community groups. Consultation on this proposal will conclude on 30 November 2020.

The Victorian Government is seeking input on Victoria’s proposed container deposit scheme design and are keen to hear from individuals as well as community groups.

You can access a short video, two survey links and the discussion paper via Engage Victoria, at

We’re keen to hear from you in whatever format works best for you. But to make things simple we’ve prepared two surveys, and you can choose the one that suits you best. The first, shorter survey called ‘I’m interested in how the CDS can work best for me’ asks how you want to use the scheme. The second survey includes those questions and a more detailed questionnaire about Victoria’s proposed scheme design. We suggest downloading and reading the discussion paper before completing the longer one. If you would like to make a more detailed submission, this can be uploaded on the Engage Victoria CDS page.

 There will also be an online information session on Wednesday 18 November 2020. If you would like to participate, please register using the Eventbrite link on the CDS Engage Victoria page.

WasteJoslin Moore