Are you exploring the transition to electric vehicles? Is it a good time to move to electric now? What are the costs and how do you prepare your home for an EV? What range of EVs are already available in Australia or are expected later this year? What is it like to own an EV in the regions? Love your classic car and thinking about converting it? Thinking about a classic electric Land Rover, Mini or Porsche?
Come to the Malmsbury Expo and presentations on transitioning to EVs in the Macedon Ranges as part of the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival. Lots of models to explore.
Guest presenters:
Bryce Gaton - EV Choice - Author at The Driven
David Budge - Fellten (formerly Jaunt Motors) EV Conversions of classic Land Rovers, Minis and Porsches
Cass Shepperd and David Perry, Good Car Company and Hepburn Energy
Chantel Gilbert - CEO Bluegum Electrical
Simon Matthee - Millett Road Maker (Bakery)
Tom Danby - Wicking beds - BYD T3 Van
Ben Lever - Solar Citizens Electric Ute Roadshow
Oliver Holmgren is a Fryerstown based jack-of-all-trades Obtanium Engineer with a passion for repair and retrofit.
Sam Deal is creative engineer and Vaughn Springs local with a passion for sustainability, recycling and blowing things up. He's currently working on a few ev conversions including a Datsun 1200 ute and a Toyota RN25 ute.
Jose Ramos holds a PhD in critical globalization studies and sustainability. He will present desk top research on EV conversion kits, and invite people to join the EV conversion community.
Topics covered:
Is now the time to move to a Zero-emissions vehicle?
New EVs available in Australia in 2023 including electric vans and utes.
Good Car Company EV Bulk-Buy launch in partnership with Hepburn Energy - affordable second-hand EVs
Preparing your home for an EV
Converting your much loved classic car to electric
Living with an electric car in the Macedon Ranges
Electric commercial vans suitable for Macedon Ranges and Mount Alexander businesses
Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas MP Minister for Health and Member for Macedon
Bryce Gaton (The Driven)
Zero emissions vehicles available in Australia in 2023
10.50 - 11.20am
Hepburn Energy / Good Car Co
Launch of EV Bulk Buy in the Macedon Ranges
Nissan Leaf test drives
Chantel Gilbert (CEO Bluegum Electrical)
Living with EVs in the Regions - Preparing your home for an EV
Ben Lever
Solar Citizens Electric Ute Roadshow
Simon Matthee (Millett Road Makers) - Renault Van
Tom Danby (Wicking Bed) - BYD T3 Van
Ralf Thesing - Tesla
Bruce Mildenhall - Kona
Kathryn Allen - BYD Atto 3
Paul Ruff - Tesla
Win Westerhoff - Ioniq
Amy Doran - Tesla
Living with EVs in the Regions - Panel of local residents - chaired by Bryce Gaton
1 - 2pm
Exhibition of a range of EVs - speak to owners, test drives (as passengers)
Lunch can be purchased locally
David Budge (Fellten Motors formerly Jaunt)
Professional conversion of classic Land Rovers, Minis and Porsches
Jose Ramos / Oliver Holmgren / Sam Deal
EV Bushmechanics of Central Victoria Exhibition and Panel
Meet and learn from local engineers and EV enthusiasts who are repurposing used and classic cars as EVs.