Course content:
ecosystem processes - water cycle, mineral cycle, solar energy flow & biodiversity
Key insights - holistic, brittleness, predator / prey connection, managing the component of time
The tools we use to manage our environment / use of livestock to create a positive impact
Grazing techniques - animal nutrition, drought, reducing stress, overcoming complexity
Feed budgeting - measuring availability
Principles of grazing - managing for plant recovery, paddock numbers
Introduction to the HMI toolkit
WHEN: December 1-3, 2023
WHERE: Sidonia
The course fee of $375 includes morning tea, a light lunch and afternoon tea each day, as well as a barbecue dinner on one evening.
We will share venue address, what to wear and bring and pre-reading material on receipt of your payment.
There will be a mix of classroom and in-paddock sessions.
This course is hosted by Macedon Ranges Regenerative Farmers (MRRF), an action group of MRSG.
MRRF gratefully acknowledges grant funding from Macedon Ranges Shire Council to assist with the cost of hosting this event.