Join Meg Ulman as she shares her knowledge on the basics and importance of fermentation at our second annual community fermentation and pickling day at the Malmsbury Town Hall. Come and learn about the health benefits of fermenting and how to make your own sauerkraut, fermented drinks and pickles. We will sit down for a session of communal pickling so please bring along cabbage and any other veggies you'd like to have a go at turning into some tangy delicious summer pickles.
Numbers will be limited this year due to COVID restrictions.
The Malmsbury Community Fermentation Day in 2020.
Photo: Eve Archbold
Meg Ulman facilitates Daylesford Culture Club, a free monthly fermentation workshop, where fermenters of all passions and experience make things together such as cheese, sourdough, wine, mead, vinegar, pickles, sodas, kimchi and seasonal medicinal ferments.
Photos by Mara from