2018 Kyneton Transition Hub Open Edible Garden Day is on Saturday and Sunday 1 and 2 September 2018 between 10am and 4pm. Eight gardeners from Kyneton, Malmsbury, Taradale and Lauriston invite everyone to visit their edible gardens and see how easy it is to produce fresh, wholesome food.
Growing your own food cuts down food miles and ensures food security.
Nea Gyorffy, Organiser, says “Any gardener will tell you it is incredibly satisfying when you can step out your door and pluck a juicy eggplant or zucchini from the garden and prepare it for your meal.”
Other topics include how to preserve excess produce so it lasts the whole year round or where you can swap excess produce with others. The two Taradale gardeners Jane and Colleen are forming their own local produce exchange.
Visitors can learn how to improve soil, make compost, worm farms, compost tea, wicking beds, hugelkultur, biochar, irrigation and lots more.
The Kyneton Community Vegetable Garden at the Secondary College is celebrating 5 years of growing vegetables for the community and will be demonstrating making wicking beds, compost tea and biochar. New gardens opening this year are Bunjil Farm at Lauriston, Jane and Glenn’s garden in Taradale and Wooly St Pippin Farm between Taradale and Malmsbury.
More information at kynetondaffodilarts.org.au; kynetontransitionhub.com or both facebook sites.
All information about the gardens can be found in the Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival and Open Edible Gardens brochures which can be found in most Kyneton shops and the Kyneton Mechanics Institute which is the official information centre for the Festival and is open every day from 31 August to 9 September, Aesop’s Attic Bookstore and the Kyneton Mechanics Institute, the official information centre during the Festival (open 10am-4pm).
Go to https://kynetontransitionhub.com/ for more info.