Plastic-free shopping in the Macedon Ranges

Soft plastic recycling sounded great in theory. For a while there it made producers, retailers and we consumers feel guilt-free about our packaging choices. However, in 2018, the ABC’s War Against Waste program revealed some of our soft plastics, rather than being recycled, were being stockpiled in a yard. Then in November 2022 the full truth was exposed – our soft plastics, deposited in good faith at supermarkets across the country, were actually being stockpiled in massive warehouses

Throughout this debacle, the Macedon Ranges Shire Council have continued to accept soft plastics at transfer stations across the shire where they are being taken to Geelong for recycling into pellets. But this is a drop in the ocean. The Australian Government’s National Plastics Plan revealed Australians discard around 70 billion pieces of soft plastic every year. Given the environmental impact of producing plastic and the increasing plastic pollution in our waterways and oceans, it begs the question – wouldn’t we be better off using less soft plastics in the first place?
This might be easier said than done – you have probably noticed, as I have, that plastic-free shopping at the supermarket is actually very tricky. However, here are a few tips that can help:

  • Fruit and vegetables. Wherever possible, select the options without plastic, e.g., loose cucumbers, carrots, and potatoes, rather than bagged ones.

  • Bread is invariably wrapped in plastic at the supermarket but can be bought plastic-free from the bakery or market, or you can make your own at home (check out this tried and tested recipe, no kneading required!)

  • Ask for your deli products in paper or bring your own containers if your store allows it.

  • Buy in bulk as much as possible.

  • Be on the lookout for plastic-free alternatives. Products such as washing powder, dishwasher powder and pasta can all be found packaged in cardboard.

  • Let your supermarket know you want more plastic-free alternatives. While you’re there, ask them about their plan for phasing out unnecessary soft plastic packaging.

We are lucky in the Macedon Ranges and its immediate surrounds to have a number of bulk wholefood suppliers available. I recently became a member of Hepburn Wholefoods in Daylesford, where I bring my own containers and stock up on flour, pasta, rice and grains, legumes, seeds, spices, personal and cleaning products, tea, coffee, chocolate, fruit, vegetables, and more. This place is as wholesome as they come – run as a community not-for-profit, it is a room filled with affordable locally-sourced bulk wholefoods and run by happy volunteers. They will show you the process for scooping and weighing your goodies and adding them to your paper or digital list. They have great quality stuff, and the prices are lower than many similar places. I found this an altogether satisfying experience and have made it part of our shopping routine.

Check out the list below to see if there is a bulk wholefoods supplier near you.

How are you reducing the soft plastics you buy? Remember, even small changes will make a difference. You may even find you save money and shopping becomes a little more fun!

Places to shop plastic-free near the Macedon Ranges