Message from the President: 29th November 2018

Now that the Victorian State Election is over we can get on with our sustainability activities and projects with renewed energy (pun intended) and enthusiasm. Former MRSG President, Ralf Thesing, who ran as the Greens Party candidate for Macedon, having taken leave from MRSG duties during the campaign, returns to the MRSG Committee and, not least to my relief, will take on the role of Treasurer which I am certain he will fulfil with admirable efficiency. For the organisation structure of MRSG, including the committee and action group leaders, see

The stability provided by the Victorian Renewable Energy Target and the newly elected government’s pledge to play an active role in supporting community energy projects mean that MRSG can continue to proceed optimistically with preparing material for the various approval processes for a Community Energy Park in the pine plantations, south of Woodend. It is envisaged that this Community Energy Park, comprising wind turbines, solar panels, and storage batteries, will generate enough clean energy to match the current energy consumption of the whole Macedon Ranges region. The Renewable Energy action group has recently briefed the Macedon Ranges Shire Council on this project and demonstrated how the Community Energy Park complements the Shire’s climate change policy. More news on this venture will be made available in the next few months.

This Saturday (1st December) will be the last time that Sharon Kittson will manage the Woodend Community Farmers’ Market after five years of dedicated service in restoring and building the market into the terrific community event for local farmers and producers that it is today. Come and join us in a little ceremony thanking Sharon at 11.30am - 12pm.

You can now make donations online with your debit/credit card or by cheque to Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group. For instructions see The Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group depends on grants and donations to help fund its sustainability projects and activities. As a registered not-for-profit organisation MRSG has tax-deductible gift status.

Finally, Lisa Richards, leader of the Waste Action Group is looking for MRSG members who will be keen to join her on the leadership team and help with planning and co-ordination of waste activities and events. Lisa will be at the MRSG marquee this Saturday showcasing the Waste Action Group. Come and have a chat with her!

All good wishes,

David Gormley-O’Brien

President - Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group

Sharon Kittson and Fiona Benson

Sharon Kittson and Fiona Benson

David Gormley-O'Brien