MRSG Action Group

Woodend Community Farmers’ Market Booking Form

The Woodend Community Farmers’ Market has limited capacity, stalls are granted to Action Groups on a first come first served basis. Deadline for stall bookings is 2 weeks prior to each market.

Terms and Conditions:

The following document outlines the terms and conditions of trade at the Market and forms part of your acceptance if you take a stall:

If you choose to have a stall at the Woodend Community Farmers’ Market, you agree to comply with all legal requirements and market regulations at all times.

Other conditions of your stall booking include:

Stall setup

  • Marquees/weights –

    • All Action Groups are able to use a Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group 3x3metre marquee and a trestle table for their stall which will be set up by the FMAG, less Woodend Bee Friendly Society.

    • Please ensure your marquee is secured down with weights and pegs, we often have high winds and gusts of wind at this location.

  • Power –

    • There are a limited number of sites that can access power at the Market. These are on a first come, first served basis and are not guaranteed. Please indicate in the booking form if you would like to request a site with power access.

    • If you are provided with a site that can access power you will need to supply your own leads, power boards and adaptors to connect to the power supply and manage the power connection along with all safety aspects and trip hazards.

    • The equipment must be water resistant and maintained above ground or securely fixed to the ground to remove trip hazards. All equipment is required to be in safe working order and the market organisers recommend that all leads be tested and tagged by a registered electrician according to Australian safety regulations.

  • Vehicle parking within your site –

    • There are a limited number of sites that will allow you to park your vehicle within your stall space. These are on a first come, first served basis and are not guaranteed. Please indicate in the booking form if you would like to request a site that will allow parking.

    • If there are no parking sites available, you will be able to drive your vehicle to your site, unload your marquee and goods, and then move your vehicle to park outside of the Market at the CFA track.

Bump in/out details

  • Please arrive between 7am-8am.

  • Please ensure your stall is set up and all vehicles removed from the Market and parked at the CFA track by 8.40am sharp (unless you have booked vehicle parking).

  • Your stall location will be communicated via email on the Thursday prior to the Market.

  • No vehicle movement to occur within the Market between 9am-1pm.

  • Market closes at 1pm, pack up between 1pm-2pm.

Covid-19 Safety Guidelines and Current Restrictions

  • We are in a very fortunate position where we can start to loosen some of the guidelines in place at the Woodend Farmers' Market, however we are very cautious to maintain an extremely safe environment for all stallholders, shoppers and volunteers and we continue to thank you and appreciate your adherence to our rules to ensure our market remains as one of the safest in Victoria.

  • The Covid guidelines for the Woodend Farmers' Market will be communicated via email on the Thursday prior to the Market.

If you are selling or sampling anything at the Market:

  • We are a Victorian Farmers Market Association accredited Market, all activities must be in-line with the Victorian Farmers Market Association requirements.

  • All products must be produced by yourself, strictly no re-selling of any products.

  • Non-food items must be made with local materials/ingredients.

  • Strictly no art and craft where no clear farm origin is defined or bric-a-brac.

Insurances and certifications:

  • All Action Groups are covered by MRSG insurance.

  • It is the stallholders responsibility to comply with all legal regularity requirements including; food handling, liquor licensing, council registration, Prime Safe for meats and public/product liability insurance. All stallholders that are selling or giving away food and/or drinks must register with Streatrader at prior to commencement of trading.

  • Copies of all relevant certification (including public liability insurance if you aren’t part of the MRSG) must be supplied with your application.