Delicious VEG staples #4: Smokey sweet tofu, scallop potatoes and zucchini and corn fritters

There are so many great reasons to eat more veg, more often. Reducing GHG emissions, improving health, saving money and preventing animal suffering are just some of the reasons for the growing interest in plant-based meals.

It can be a little daunting to get started - particularly if you usually cook with meat. To give you some inspiration, the VEG Action Group will be introducing you to some of our members and their favourite tried and tested plant-based staples. These are the kind of dishes that are completely nourishing but require little thought or effort and are cheap and/or easy to produce. Something to cook when running late home from work, or when you just don’t have the energy to go all out!

In the second post of our series, I asked long serving VEG action group committee member Heather Steele to share with us a little about herself and her staples.

Tell us a little about yourself…

I became vegan around four years ago after my 13 year old asked to become vegan. I researched from the health, environment and animal cruelty perspective and it made sense to me and aligned with my values. I live with my two daughters, aged 15 and almost 17 who are also vegan, and my husband who is mostly plant based.

What are your favourite ingredients to work with and why?

My diet has become healthier having moved to a plant based diet. In addition to the staples of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, grains and legumes, I have added in different plant milks, nuts and seeds, nutritious yeast, miso, spices and sauces. I love smoothies and have one or two per day.

Can you tell us a little about one of your staple dishes?

I have become more experimental and adapt recipes to enjoy my old favourite dishes like lasagna and scallop potatoes. 

I’ll often eat scallop potatoes made using  Coyo yoghurt (coconut yoghurt) instead of sour cream and macadamia nut cheese (instead of dairy) on top. You can see in the photo below that I’ll pair these with something like baked vegetables, salad and zucchini and corn fritters.

The fritters are entirely plant based - they are made using flax meal instead of an egg, and besan flour (chick pea flour) to bind the fritters.

heather's plate.jpg

I also love tofu and experiment with different flavours. The tofu in the photo (right) is pan fried with flavours of liquid smoke, maple syrup, paprika and tamari. We recently served this tofu at MRSG’s Movies that Matter night and it was a hit!

Thanks so much for sharing your staples with us Heather! If you, our readers, have a favourite staple you’d like to share, get in contact with Claire at