Free Energy Advice for Macedon Ranges Households

Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group paves the way for a sustainable future with new partnership offering free energy advice and access to trusted solar suppliers

Macedon Ranges residents will receive complimentary advice on PV solar systems and energy efficiency, as well as an opportunity to purchase solar and battery storage systems through carefully selected and vetted suppliers. This is thanks to a new partnership between Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) and the Australian Energy Foundation.

 Since launching their Energy Advice Service in 2013, the Australian Energy Foundation has supported 27,000 households with energy advice and abated 372,000 tonnes of emissions.

As the nation’s leading energy organisation, Australian Energy Foundation works with homes, businesses and all levels of government (including local councils) to tackle the climate emergency and to accelerate the transition to an equitable zero carbon society.

For helpful tips on how to make your home more energy efficient click here

To take advantage of the free service, residents can call the Australian Energy Foundation and speak to an energy advisor on 1300 23 68 55 or visit their website