Great home sustainability info: "Your Home" 6th edition out now

Ask me about a great source of sustainable home information and I’ll almost certainly mention “Your Home”. It’s a magnificent publication covering everything from home siting to renovations.

The 6th edition has recently been released, including new and updated content on bushfire safety, passivhaus, renewable energy systems and batteries, condensation and airtightness and resilient homes.

In addition to the softcover book and website familiar to its current fan-base, a limited edition hardback version of the book has been published. Having “loved” my copy of the 5th edition to the point where it’s disgorging its pages, I leapt at the chance for a more secure binding. I’m sure I’ll be getting a lot of use from this new edition too.

You can access the updated (6th edition) “Your Home” online free at

Order a copy of the book (soft cover or hard cover) here