MR VEG makes it easy to add a meat free day to your week

Inspired by the latest IPCC report to reduce your meat consumption but don’t have time to find a recipe or cook?

MRSG’s VEG action group is here to help!

The group is now selling their very popular cauliflower chickpea curry in TAKE AWAY containers (BYO) once a month at the farmer’s market. They are also giving away some great delicious recipes!

BRING YOUR CONTAINER (or 2 or 3), the curry is priced by the ladle. Taste tests welcome. You can reheat or freeze the curry for use later in the month. It is gluten free, organic, plant based and vegan friendly.

If you want to preorder to avoid missing out, email

The VEG team completely sold out of curry in the last two months and have a dedicated group of customers. Make sure you don’t miss out.