Want help to slash your home heating costs?

My household’s electricity use in July was less than half of what it was last July. Yes, you read that correctly: in July 2019 we used only 48.7% of the electricity we used in July last year. Better still, we’re on track to repeat that result in August. Most of what we’re saving is on heating.

One of my colleagues described our house - with some surprise - as “an ordinary house”. We haven’t installed solar or done anything high-tech. In fact, we’re certain that almost anyone could do what we’ve done and get good results, so we’ve volunteered to open our house on Sustainable House Day on Sunday September 15th.

My husband and I started on this path by visiting a house whose owners had done a bigger retrofit, on Sustainable House Day back in 2016, and we’re convinced that it’s a great way to learn what it takes to make a comfortable house.

If you’re cold in your house, or you are fed up with high electricity bills (or both), come and see us on Sustainable House Day and we’ll show you what we’ve done and what we’ve learned along the way. Perhaps it will be the start of your journey …


One more thing:

The Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group is on the lookout for volunteers to help us and the other homes open in the Macedon Ranges on SHD 2016. We need people with all levels of knowledge and skill. We need people to help put up posters ahead of the event, to sign people in to the houses on the day and to help visitors get the most out of the day. And there’s no need for FOMO! I’m going to open my house to volunteers about a week before SHD for a special “preview” and “training session” – so you can be a visitor one week and a volunteer (here or at one of the other houses) the next.

SHD is inspirational and great fun. You’ll spend your time talking with like-minded people and be surprised how much you get out of it. Please join us! Sign up by emailing us at mrsg.susthomes@gmail.com

Hope to see you soon!

Image source: Tierra Mallorca (tierra-mallorca.com) via Unsplash